
Task Orders



Quality Assurance

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B3H’s Quality Assurance Program


For Seaport-e, B3H has created and implemented a Quality Control Plan (QCP) specific to the IDIQ contract.  We provide an integrated quality management structure and quality control processes to consistently deliver quality services and deliverables over the life of contracted services.  B3H assigns a Seaport-e Quality Manager (QM) to implement and oversee contract and task order QC.  The QM assists with Task Order-specific QCP development, monitors operational compliance and conformance, and implements an inspection system for QC.  All staff supporting the task order (Task Order Leader and Task Order Professionals) will be briefed and provided a copy of the QCP prior to commencing support efforts.  B3H’s quality control (QC) management approach is consistent and integrated with our Seaport-e program management structure for efficient and effective delivery of contracted services and deliverables.



B3H SeaPort-e Program Management Office

51 3rd Street, Building 1
Shalimar, FL 32579-1700


Rocky Arrants

Program Manager
(850) 308-7520

Sandra Callahan

Contract Manager

(850) 692-6776